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The Soul Test

I am VOA.

Have you ever taken a personality test? I took one called a “soul” test one time and found out: I’m a Server, a person who serves others. It’s part of my personality to serve people and find out what I can do to best support them.

Growing up as one of five siblings, sometimes we were spread thin. There was always food on the table, but a new winter coat was usually out of the question. Hand-me-downs were common and everything was shared. Food insecurity wasn’t something my family struggled with, but we lived simply, and I can understand when things like COVID-19 strikes a family and they suddenly don’t have enough.

I try to understand who I’m serving and what their needs are, then do my best to help solve their troubles. Managing the operations for our food distribution means I am always finding ways to support our food bank coalition partners and get nutritious food to as many families as possible.

I am a Server. I am VOA.


Dean Johnson is the Director of Operations for Hunger Prevention and has been with VOA since 2015. A native of the Boston area, Dean finds western Washington one of the most beautiful places he’s seen, both in scenery and in community generosity. His story appears here as a part of our #IAmVOA campaign.



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2802 Broadway, Everett, WA 98201


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